I just checked in with the factory and the work on the design of the molds for the arms and legs is taking longer than expected.
As I'm a small customer for them, it seems that they have worked on bigger contracts before mine…

My partner went to the factory and was able to see that the work was in progress, he put pressure on them, but it is a complex job that requires time and development.

I almost fell off my chair when I read that the delivery of the parts was now scheduled for the end of November!
Considering the delivery and the time needed to assemble the figures, the orders will not be able to be shipped until December.

My apologies for the missed deadlines, but it is not directly up to me, and I am really sorry...☹️

I will continue to keep you informed as often as possible.

Bob Chasseur d'Image Box!

 here's the final version of Bob's box. I hope you enjoy it!
As there were too few orders for Old Bob, it will be delivered in this same box.